December 07, 2009

Some people never learn..

yellow squiggle 無聊的兒童 says:
*why dont you post another complaint ==
«♥小優の天国♥» Till us part...... says:
*lol no thnx
*dont wanna get yelled by u again
and then..
*o u know
*wat time
*we need to be at school tomorrow?
I won't be going to school tomorrow. So i dont really give a damn.
*==because u couldve known as well
keyword : could've
u wudve got the form as well
No i didnt.
*and considering u r so smart theres possibility tht u may remember
*and from last year
Not everyone has the memory of an elephant, patricia.
*stop over reacting
Its not over reactive. Its common sense.

/end rant.