December 07, 2009


Today wasn't that unsuccessful.

Out of all the stores we asked in Garden City, Sunny Park and Sunnybank Plaza,
four said to type up a resume.
two said
aww... type a resume and i'll give it to my boss. we have our christmas staff.
Kelvin (out of sarcasm) was like
Lets try AMC.
AMC Cinemas said to come back next year, because of MA15+ Restricted movies.
So there's my September/Christmas holiday activities for next year. (:

Shops that said hand in resume (in order of preference):
1. Sunni Bakery - hand in resume
2. Easy Way - recruiting
3. eJoy electronics - hand in resume
4. Borders - come back in the new year
5. Stacks - hand in resume
6. Golden Casket Newsagent - We have enough but hand in a resume
7. AMC Cinemas - Wait till next year

well. start typing my resumes than >: