August 27, 2010

Tagged by Cassie.

1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question
3.) Use the song title as the answer

Translated by Google Translate LOL

What you get is what you get!
1) How am I feeling today? 兩面 - Two Sides

2) When will I get married? 喜帖街 - Wedding Card Street

3) What is my best friend's theme song?; 很久很久以後 - After a long, long time | ..?

4) What is/was high school like? 抱著空氣 - Hugging air

5) What is the best thing about me? 幸福菓子 - Happy fruit | HAPPINESSS

6) How is today going to be? Exodus
(a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment)

7) What is in store for this weekend? 普世歡騰 - Joy to the world | :D

8) What song describes my parents? Down. LOL

9) How is my life going? 健康教育 - Health Education | Healthy?

10) What song will they play at my funeral? I don't care. D:

11) How does the world see me? 想講你知 - I want to tell you

12) What do my friends really think of me? 梁山伯與茱麗葉 - Romeo and Juliet

13) Do people secretly lust after me? 搜神記 - Deities
(A deity is a postulated preternatural or supernatural immortal being)

14) What do my parents think of me? Guilty Beauty Love | ...

15) What is my best friend doing right now? 放得低 - Let go

16) When will I have children? 跳 - Jump | D: MISCARRIAGE?!

17) What is some good advice? 超級喜歡 - Super love

18) What do I think my current theme song is? FUNRUN | Oh yeahh (H)

19) What does everyone else think my current theme song is? 談情說愛 - Talk about love | ..

20) What type of men/women do you like? 我也喜歡你 - I also like you | so I like both.

21) Will you get married? 蜃樓 - Mirage | I guess I'll THINK I'm married..

22) What should I do with my love life? 感冒- Flu

23) Where will you live? 靈魂的重量 - The weight of the soul

24) What will your dying words be? 不做你的情人 - Not going to be your lover | That's harsh

25) How's your day going so far? 風箏與風 - Kite and wind | Well I guess..

26) How's your love life? 解High人 - Solutions for High people | LOL.