August 23, 2010

23 August 2010 ( ^ )

Aussie PM baffled by "Mr Rabbit"
Surreal shades of "Alice in Wonderland" crept into Australia's election campaign on Friday when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was forced to deny that "Mr Rabbit" had appeared on the hustings.The nation's first woman leader, who is seeking election in her own right on August 21, was asked in a radio interview to answer charges that she was deliberately calling her opponent Tony Abbott "Mr Rabbit" instead of Mr Abbott.

Happy Birthday to Andric Lu, Sarah Wang, Matthew Au and Andrew Quinn !
Thankyou to everyone that said Happy Birthday.

Dear Cassie Lee, Shirley Ngan, Patricia Chen, Dan Kearney, Nat Medhurst, Charlene Cheah,
Thankyou for buying me books on cows, half naked children, cards and cups with spoons and cards.
I love you all.
I know how to pee now :D
and so does Ms Uematsu. ;A;

I have an important announcement to make.
i'm gay

Spoiler :
Dear Kenta Koji         dream on, you'll never be anywhere close to dear.

It has come to my attention that there aren't that many people that like/cares about you.
This may be because of one or more of the following reasons:
  • You are ugly
  • You have no eyebrows
  • You are annoying
  • You smell bad
  • You have scaly skin
  • You always scratch your head, but you're not smart, dandruff?
  • No one likes you
  • I feel sick looking at you
  • You pretend to be tough by holding a lighter next to a can of deodorant

Please excuse the fact that I have only listed a few reasons.

Please answer the following question: why do you sit with us?
Is it because you have no other friends, or you find someone there attractive, or you want to sit close with someone that is another someone's friend? Please answer that question as well.
A someone offered to pay $10 to tell you to fuck off. Do you know how many bottles of coke I could but with that? But that shouldn't matter.

Please note that you threatening me to 絕交 will not make me sad. Neither will pretending to kill me with a lighter and deodorant can. One not do, two not rest (一不做二不休). If you have the guts to pull it out, then you should have the guts to do it. Otherwise I shall do it for you. In. Your. Face.
I couldn't care less if you wanted to die, hate me all you want.

I will refrain from attacking you on the following terms:
  • You do not talk to me
  • You do not look at me
  • You do not touch me
  • You do not touch Cassie
  • You do not touch Tristan
  • You do not touch Patricia
  • You do not touch Shirley
  • I do not see you
  • I do not smell you
  • I do not hear you
  • I do not see you rubbing your fucking stomach through your uniform

--will be updated--

That is all. For now.