August 27, 2010

Happy Meals

Condom found in child's Happy meal

A New Zealand mother says she was shocked and disgusted that a condom had been found in her seven-year-old daughter's McDonald's meal.

Louise Whitaker from Wellington said her daughter Maia was with her sister April and her grandparents at a store when the condom was found on Tuesday night.

She said her mother discovered the opened condom after her daughter ordered a Happy Meal.

"I was just disgusted after I heard about it," Whitaker said.

"I was shocked. A seven-year-old ... I don't think she actually saw it, so she doesn't understand the whole thing. I am just lucky my mother discovered it."

She said the condom was returned before her mother checked whether or not it had been used.

McDonald's replaced the meal.

She said the fast food restaurant had not given her a formal apology nor explained how the condom came to be in the meal.

Tagged by Cassie.

1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question
3.) Use the song title as the answer

Translated by Google Translate LOL

What you get is what you get!
1) How am I feeling today? 兩面 - Two Sides

2) When will I get married? 喜帖街 - Wedding Card Street

3) What is my best friend's theme song?; 很久很久以後 - After a long, long time | ..?

4) What is/was high school like? 抱著空氣 - Hugging air

5) What is the best thing about me? 幸福菓子 - Happy fruit | HAPPINESSS

6) How is today going to be? Exodus
(a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment)

7) What is in store for this weekend? 普世歡騰 - Joy to the world | :D

8) What song describes my parents? Down. LOL

9) How is my life going? 健康教育 - Health Education | Healthy?

10) What song will they play at my funeral? I don't care. D:

11) How does the world see me? 想講你知 - I want to tell you

12) What do my friends really think of me? 梁山伯與茱麗葉 - Romeo and Juliet

13) Do people secretly lust after me? 搜神記 - Deities
(A deity is a postulated preternatural or supernatural immortal being)

14) What do my parents think of me? Guilty Beauty Love | ...

15) What is my best friend doing right now? 放得低 - Let go

16) When will I have children? 跳 - Jump | D: MISCARRIAGE?!

17) What is some good advice? 超級喜歡 - Super love

18) What do I think my current theme song is? FUNRUN | Oh yeahh (H)

19) What does everyone else think my current theme song is? 談情說愛 - Talk about love | ..

20) What type of men/women do you like? 我也喜歡你 - I also like you | so I like both.

21) Will you get married? 蜃樓 - Mirage | I guess I'll THINK I'm married..

22) What should I do with my love life? 感冒- Flu

23) Where will you live? 靈魂的重量 - The weight of the soul

24) What will your dying words be? 不做你的情人 - Not going to be your lover | That's harsh

25) How's your day going so far? 風箏與風 - Kite and wind | Well I guess..

26) How's your love life? 解High人 - Solutions for High people | LOL.

August 24, 2010

24 August 2010

So bored and feeling lonely..
to the extent that i will willingly do extra homework.

seven letters, two words, one meaning
fuck. you. period.

August 23, 2010

23 August 2010 ( ^ )

Aussie PM baffled by "Mr Rabbit"
Surreal shades of "Alice in Wonderland" crept into Australia's election campaign on Friday when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was forced to deny that "Mr Rabbit" had appeared on the hustings.The nation's first woman leader, who is seeking election in her own right on August 21, was asked in a radio interview to answer charges that she was deliberately calling her opponent Tony Abbott "Mr Rabbit" instead of Mr Abbott.

Happy Birthday to Andric Lu, Sarah Wang, Matthew Au and Andrew Quinn !
Thankyou to everyone that said Happy Birthday.

Dear Cassie Lee, Shirley Ngan, Patricia Chen, Dan Kearney, Nat Medhurst, Charlene Cheah,
Thankyou for buying me books on cows, half naked children, cards and cups with spoons and cards.
I love you all.
I know how to pee now :D
and so does Ms Uematsu. ;A;

I have an important announcement to make.
i'm gay

Spoiler :
Dear Kenta Koji         dream on, you'll never be anywhere close to dear.

It has come to my attention that there aren't that many people that like/cares about you.
This may be because of one or more of the following reasons:
  • You are ugly
  • You have no eyebrows
  • You are annoying
  • You smell bad
  • You have scaly skin
  • You always scratch your head, but you're not smart, dandruff?
  • No one likes you
  • I feel sick looking at you
  • You pretend to be tough by holding a lighter next to a can of deodorant

Please excuse the fact that I have only listed a few reasons.

Please answer the following question: why do you sit with us?
Is it because you have no other friends, or you find someone there attractive, or you want to sit close with someone that is another someone's friend? Please answer that question as well.
A someone offered to pay $10 to tell you to fuck off. Do you know how many bottles of coke I could but with that? But that shouldn't matter.

Please note that you threatening me to 絕交 will not make me sad. Neither will pretending to kill me with a lighter and deodorant can. One not do, two not rest (一不做二不休). If you have the guts to pull it out, then you should have the guts to do it. Otherwise I shall do it for you. In. Your. Face.
I couldn't care less if you wanted to die, hate me all you want.

I will refrain from attacking you on the following terms:
  • You do not talk to me
  • You do not look at me
  • You do not touch me
  • You do not touch Cassie
  • You do not touch Tristan
  • You do not touch Patricia
  • You do not touch Shirley
  • I do not see you
  • I do not smell you
  • I do not hear you
  • I do not see you rubbing your fucking stomach through your uniform

--will be updated--

That is all. For now.

August 22, 2010

22 August 2010

大舅父, 安息.

Finished Maths & Science homework, and all of my English assignment :D
雞精 幾勁 :DDD

Finished watching Heroes Season 1..
Then found out that Sylar doesn't die..
But Season 2 is actually pretty interesting !

August 21, 2010

21 August 2010

Waited for the election results to come out.
And is still waiting..
August 21, 9:30pm
The election results are expected to be announced at 10:30pm tonight

August 21, 10:45pm
The results are really close. We might have to call for a recount. The counters will have to work OT... using the tax-payer's money :DDDD

August 21, 11:00pm
Julia Gillard announces her i-give-up-on-waiting-fuck-it-i'm-going-to-bed speech

August 23, 8:06am
It is expected that it will take another 10 days for the votes to be counted

Really? What are these people being payed for?

August 19, 2010


There are no pokeballs here. The last shipment arrived 69 minutes ago.

August 16, 2010


RIP Door 16082010

today i:
  • got yelled at by ms brewster

  • burgled food off patricia

  • found out my business exam mark: A- kekekee.
  • found out i would make a good candidate for senior accounting??

  • tangled patricia's hair
  • looked like a teletubby

    From left: Laa-laa, Dipsy, Po

  • found out that my door was locked from the inside (with chain)
  • pushed against the door because it was locked from the inside
  • broke the door

theres my exciting day. (:

August 14, 2010

Chinese School

was invaded by the toilet once again
dun dun dunnn D:

L is for Legend...

&liz drew another picture

August 13, 2010

Life needs goals.

  • stop eating chips and chocolate..
  • go straight home.. 抵肚餓.. 噃屋企食healthy alternative :D (fruit、sammiches)
  • 多菜少肉 / 多彩多肉..
  • use moisturizing cream..
  • gain weight try to gain weight..
  • less computer usage..

August 11, 2010

"what subjects do you do?"
"cooking and business"
"who do you have for business?"
"ms uematsu"
"oh her, she's mean"
"and she wears a g-string everyday"

August 09, 2010


sose: ended up getting number 11 for sose..
which happened to be...
musical instruments !

女子十二東坊 12 Girls Band - Ruten

FS組合FS Group - 美麗的神話Endless Love (Original 陳港生Jackie Chan)

eight sounds (silk, bamboo, wood, stone, metal, clay, gourd and hide), zither (7 (古琴), 25 (瑟), 16-26 (古箏) and one stringed(獨弦琴)), harp (箜篌), pipa (琵琶), Sanxian (三弦), Yueqin (月琴), etc.
Wikipedia for more instruments..



went to sunnybank with cassie for dog items/accessories..
got driven by her dad (thanks)
got home..
realised forgot to bring keys..
walks over to grandma's house
gets keys
walks back
opens door
and sees....

my dad..

i couldve saved myself walking 1km
if i pressed a stupid doorbell.
so stupid ==

August 06, 2010

Last day for Japanese students..

Last school day for Japanese students..
took lots and lots and lots of pictures. :DDD

including jump photos!
--photo here when cassie gets online--

--takes group photo--
--charlene and patricia take a photo--
--takes another photo--
--charlene and patricia takes another photo--

i think they took like..
7 photos ._.

some photos;

Hitomi, Cassie, Patricia, Saki, Kaira, Andric, Shirley

Andric, Shirley, Saki, Hitomi

more later!

I officially announce that

Me, Mitchell Xu, 一刀兩斷.
no regrets.
Mitchell Xu has been removed from your Facebook friends list.
You can't send messages to friends if you're appearing offline (block) to them. Appear online to Mitchell

i'll pass with that. :D

你話"no regrets". 希望你第日唔會請我原涼你.

August 05, 2010

A wild BULBASAUR appeared!

Long time no proper post aye? :D

Not much happened recently..
finished off first semester stuff & really short units..
romeo and juliet..
maths assignment..

now in sose,
i have ms fisherrr for ancient china, and by the looks of it, economics too.
its weird how she makes us pick topics assigns us topics at random, then letting us play swapsies for two minutes .__.

fashion (H)
i can talk about..
peasant clothes, nobles' clothes, 王宮 clothes, etc.
(模後大老爺盛世仁傑; 宮心計; since they were awarded drama with most elaborate costumes..)

randomly get ideas from pictures..
dragons, phoenixes, qilin, Avalokiteśvara (GuanYin), 西遊記, those massive peaches, etc.
(dragonkeeper, garden of the purple dragon, etc.)

herbal medicine, acupuncture, meridian, 鐵打, 涼茶
(鐵馬尋橋, 搜下留情)

martial arts
wushu, kungfu, taichi, qigong, 鐵打 , meridian
(鐵馬尋橋, 宮心計)

poems, texts, 書法 (calligraphy), paintings

eight sounds (silk, bamboo, wood, stone, metal, clay, gourd and hide), zither (7 (古琴), 25 (瑟), 16-26 (古箏) and one stringed(獨弦琴)), harp (箜篌), pipa (琵琶), Sanxian (三弦), Yueqin (月琴), etc.
12 Girls Band:

i refuse to do anything related to:
great wall..
ming dynasty..
zhou dynasty..
shang dynasty..
foot binding..
shi huangdi..
silk road..

business test was screwed up.
--deducts marks--
but we werent talking...

after class, we ask her, and she said:
"i heard a noise and assumed it was you" ==
unfair much?

post moar later.
cant think...