June 01, 2010

Google sued after woman hit by car

A woman in the US is suing Google after she was hit by a car while following its map directions.

Lauren Rosenberg was visiting Park City, Utah, when she used Google Maps to navigate her walking course to Prospector Avenue from Daly Street.

The directions led her onto Deer Valley Drive, a busy rural highway without pavements, where she was hit by a car. She is now suing Google and the car’s driver over the for more than $US100,000 in damages over the incident.

Google asserts the directions Rosenberg sought came with a warning of caution for pedestrians.

Though Rosenberg claims she was not alerted to the possible dangers, after accessing Google Maps on her Blackberry, which does not contain the standard warning message.

Media reports have discussed common sense and using her eyes would have assisted in Rosenberg’s safe arrival.

Google Australia has made no comment on the case.
