June 28, 2010

Julia Gillard has too much on her political plate

Prior to knifing Rudd in the back and assuming the position, Gillard was deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and finally Minister for Social Inclusion.

It’s a little known fact but Gillard also runs the rather small township of Narnia.

Serving as the White Witch Gillard’s frozen stare blankets Narnia in sheets of endless snow.
Does anyone really think Australia’s best interests are going to be served by someone with so much on their plate? I mean cmon, at the very least there’s a conflict of interest here…



June 25, 2010


明知冇可能都盡力堅持下去 ♥

等咗11個禮拜, 終於捱得到喱一日.

term summary;
除咗一個人變得好勁 (bad way)
  • copy
  • 乜都唔明
  • 乜都要問
  • 自把自為
  • 超級煩


June 24, 2010


一日可以關心一個朋友、同一班人開開心心一齊踢波、為朋友做啲嘢、哄一個朋友笑、啱啱搵噃失咗嘅嘢 (VICTORYYYYYY~)..
可以同朋友玩、笑、傾偈, 心裏有嗰種感覺: warm and fuzzy. :D

as you can see:
我今日真係好開心. 但某個事可以change我嘅心情completely.

1. 同父母吵架 (飯 or 麵包 with 咖哩 ==)
但我想食飯啊. 你係咪唔煲啊?! --glare--

2. 一條金魚做我哋嘅PM.

3. meat patty.

June 17, 2010

Exam/Assignment Schedule - Term 2 2010

Sudden realisation i have been using paperclips instead of staples on assignments....
Thursday 220410
  • English: Unseen Poetry Test

Tuesday 040510
  • English: Spoken Response

Wednesday 190510
  • SOSE: Legal Studies Exam

Saturday 050610
  • Chinese Exam
  • Maths Revision

Wednesday 090610
  • Contemporary Food Studies Assignment DUE. email to teacher

Thursday 100610
  • Maths Extension: Knowledge and Procedures Exam
  • Business and Computer Studies: Accountability Exam

Friday 110610
  • INDE Website DUE
  • HPE Assignment DUE
  • Instrumental Exam: Flute

Monday 140610 - Queen's Birthday
  • English: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Rehearsals at the park Cassie's house (Act 5 Scene 3)
  • Maths revision - Chapter 4、5、6

cough.. "studying"

Tuesday 150610
  • Maths Extension: Modeling and Problem Solving Exam

Thursday 170610 Friday 180610
  • English: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Play & Oral DUE (Act 5 Scene 3)