May 31, 2010

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet were like

but Paris wanted to marry Juliet
so Juliet was like
and was like

but then Romeo saw Juliet like that
and so Romeo drank poison and was like

then Juliet woke up and was like
and then was like

and that's the story of Romeo and Juliet.

May 30, 2010


went into Giwawa and attempted to trade in old toys for new ones.

i traded my (ugly) piglet for a cow juice clock cc:

and for the rest of the day i was mitchell's tripod and/or camera holder.

May 26, 2010


lost in badminton: 10-7.

made shortbread.

May 22, 2010

Pacman's 30th Birthday.

Google celebrates everything.

作曲:Eric Kwok
編曲:Eric Kwok/Jerald
朋友 我當你一秒朋友
朋友 我當你一世朋友
奇怪 過去再不堪回首
懷緬 時時其實還有

朋友 你試過將我營救
朋友 你試過把我批鬥
無法 再與你交心聯手
畢竟 難得 有過最佳損友

從前共你 促膝把酒 傾通宵都不夠
我有痛快過 你有沒有
很多東西 今生只可給你
保守至到永久 別人如何明白透
實實在在 踏入過我宇宙
即使相處到 有個裂口
命運決定了 以後再沒法聚頭
但說過去 卻那樣厚

問我有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非什麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透
被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某

生死之交 當天不知罕有
到你變節了 至覺未夠
多想一天 彼此都不追究
相邀再次喝酒 待 葡萄成熟透
但是命運入面 每個邂逅
一起走到了 某個路口
是敵與是友 各自也沒有自由
位置變了 各有隊友

問我有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非什麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你是我敵友 已沒法望透
被推著走 跟著生活流
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某

早知解散後 各自有 際遇作導遊
奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走
卻沒人像你 讓我 眼淚背著流
嚴重似情侶 講分手

有沒有 確實也沒有
一直躲避的藉口 非什麼大仇
為何舊知己 在最後 變不到老友
不知你又有沒有 掛念這舊友
或者自己 早就想通透
來年陌生的 是昨日最親的某某
總好於 那日我
沒有 沒有 遇過 某某

May 15, 2010

the world of maplestory turns into the world of dragon fable.


Dragon Fable

tsk tsk

May 08, 2010

to get rid of a fever..

you must....

  • take warm showers
  • don't eat solids.. (drink fluids? esp. OJ ;D)
  • eat icecream
  • wear as little clothes as possible.
  • piss more.
  • put an icepack on your thingy.
  • and under your arm pits.
  • soak a tissue in egg white and stick it under your foot.

don't you just want a fever now?

May 06, 2010

Re: Patricia @ 12:32AM (o__o), Today.

First english post in fages.
Because Patricia has to post a post.

Lets start.
you ask me why complain?
well....why do u think = =
OH DO SHARE IT WITH ME. I am dying to find out (:
I get kinda scared when you say this. I thought all the stuff before was a joke.
But aye. This might be a
Warning: may contain mild overexaggeration.
Oh well.
**Please stop "confessing" to me ==
It irritates me

but tht evil FU always come to destroy the day....
1. I don't know what you call "evil"
This is what i find on Google Images when i search "evil".

/!\ 注意!
Click please. It will kill me blog. (Third picture on results)

i don't exactly look like that do i?
no. c:

2. Destroy. I dont come in with a shot gun shooting at a piece of paper with DAY written on it.

3. Master FU. I call you by your full name of the person you were at Evening of Eminence.
Elizabeth Vigee. I don't call you;; Igee. == GEES PATRICIA

For example...many many many months ago....he said that my writing is...."ugly and big. Change it"
I told that to you as a friend. I remember a few weeks ago you said
Ugh my printing is so messy.
My point proven.
And then....
after tht he said "too slanty no one can read it"
Why don't you ask someone else. Ask Kelvin or Miss Mijatovic.
Most wanted;;
MR. Patricia Chen [1]
Description; Long black hair, massive fringe, 14 years.
(pfft massive fringe....see dissing me AGAIN!) [2]
Wanted for; Mindlessly adopting innocent young boys
(and again dissing me... and those cute lil boys are happy [3] that Shirley and I [4]
adopted them.... if not for us those poor kids would still be at the orphanage....) [5]
being tortured by some random like MASTER FU [6]
COUGH. Okay. Let's start.
1. You're married to Shirley. You are the husband. You say you're the husband. You say you're the father. So how are you not a Mister?
How do you not have a massive fringe? It covers up half your face.
3. It is 100% true. They're not happy. Ask Kelvin c:
4. Good grammar.
a) There is no orphanage; b) Last time I saw them, they weren't lying on the street;
6. I don't torture people. And again with the full name.

Master FU also invented this whole... PAPER SCISSORS ROCK thing!!!
That was Cassie. Get it right Patricia. it would be completely unfair to assume someone was doing something they weren't.
yellow squiggle 無聊的兒童 says:
*Master FU also invented this whole... PAPER SCISSORS ROCK thing!!!
*that was you
*why do i get your glorious credit
- Lalalove` - But theres no sound ` says:
*yeah that was me lol
Proof off MSN.

will update if neccessary... xD
It will be.

im bored= =
Complete waste of time.

Even though i luv him so much....he doesnt show any *heart to me T^T
You don't seem so sad when you go;
/end rant.


May 03, 2010

The Anti-Rape Condom

Posted 14 January 2008

This is so brilliant! An anti-rape female condom invented by Sonette Ehlers… A South African women working as a blood technician with the South African Blood Transfusion Service, during which time she met and treated many rape victims.

The device, known as The Rape-aXe, is a latex sheath embedded with shafts of sharp, inward-facing microscopic barbs that would be worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. If an attacker were to attempt vaginal rape, their penis would enter the latex sheath and be snagged by the barbs, causing the attacker pain during withdrawal and (ideally) giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker’s body when he withdrew and could only be removed surgically, which would alert hospital staff and police. This device could assist in the identification and prosecution of rapists.

May 02, 2010


那麼好壞都照單全收, 不會計較.