May 06, 2010

Re: Patricia @ 12:32AM (o__o), Today.

First english post in fages.
Because Patricia has to post a post.

Lets start.
you ask me why complain?
well....why do u think = =
OH DO SHARE IT WITH ME. I am dying to find out (:
I get kinda scared when you say this. I thought all the stuff before was a joke.
But aye. This might be a
Warning: may contain mild overexaggeration.
Oh well.
**Please stop "confessing" to me ==
It irritates me

but tht evil FU always come to destroy the day....
1. I don't know what you call "evil"
This is what i find on Google Images when i search "evil".

/!\ 注意!
Click please. It will kill me blog. (Third picture on results)

i don't exactly look like that do i?
no. c:

2. Destroy. I dont come in with a shot gun shooting at a piece of paper with DAY written on it.

3. Master FU. I call you by your full name of the person you were at Evening of Eminence.
Elizabeth Vigee. I don't call you;; Igee. == GEES PATRICIA

For example...many many many months ago....he said that my writing is...."ugly and big. Change it"
I told that to you as a friend. I remember a few weeks ago you said
Ugh my printing is so messy.
My point proven.
And then....
after tht he said "too slanty no one can read it"
Why don't you ask someone else. Ask Kelvin or Miss Mijatovic.
Most wanted;;
MR. Patricia Chen [1]
Description; Long black hair, massive fringe, 14 years.
(pfft massive fringe....see dissing me AGAIN!) [2]
Wanted for; Mindlessly adopting innocent young boys
(and again dissing me... and those cute lil boys are happy [3] that Shirley and I [4]
adopted them.... if not for us those poor kids would still be at the orphanage....) [5]
being tortured by some random like MASTER FU [6]
COUGH. Okay. Let's start.
1. You're married to Shirley. You are the husband. You say you're the husband. You say you're the father. So how are you not a Mister?
How do you not have a massive fringe? It covers up half your face.
3. It is 100% true. They're not happy. Ask Kelvin c:
4. Good grammar.
a) There is no orphanage; b) Last time I saw them, they weren't lying on the street;
6. I don't torture people. And again with the full name.

Master FU also invented this whole... PAPER SCISSORS ROCK thing!!!
That was Cassie. Get it right Patricia. it would be completely unfair to assume someone was doing something they weren't.
yellow squiggle 無聊的兒童 says:
*Master FU also invented this whole... PAPER SCISSORS ROCK thing!!!
*that was you
*why do i get your glorious credit
- Lalalove` - But theres no sound ` says:
*yeah that was me lol
Proof off MSN.

will update if neccessary... xD
It will be.

im bored= =
Complete waste of time.

Even though i luv him so much....he doesnt show any *heart to me T^T
You don't seem so sad when you go;
/end rant.