January 29, 2010

I'm scared now

This morning, i had a dream concerning two people that have a 高地位 in my life.
I didn't expect it to make me cry ==
ugh. I cried for about three hours while sleeping and dreaming.
Sad isn't it

it's funny because I was feeling sad the night before for a particular reasn stated in the post before....
I said.. I might try sleeping and see how it works for cheering me up/ taking my mind off the matter;;
but I end up having a dream that makes me cry for three hours. fml

now I'm scared of going to sleep. ==

Teachers threaten test ban over My School concerns

Posted 3 hours 45 minutes ago

Education groups are calling on the Federal Government to make changes to its My School website following the publication of ranked lists in this morning's papers.

The Australia Education Union (AEU) says the publication of crude league tables has already begun, with Fairfax and News Limited papers printing lists of schools this morning using information available on the website.

Teachers' groups say if nothing is done to stop it happening again, they will refuse to administer the NAPLAN tests.

Federal Education Minister Julia Gillard says the website has been immensely popular with parents, but AEU president Angelo Gavrielatos says that is not the issue.

"Incomplete, invalid, inaccurate data, have now seen the production of crude, damaging, simplistic league tables," he said.

"Julia Gillard must now act. Julia Gillard must fulfil her obligation as the Minister for Education to protect students and school communities from the damage that will follow."

Industry groups have vowed to continue pressuring the Government into correcting what it says are the site's huge inaccuracies.

Ms Gillard says she has spent two years discussing the issue with the union.

"They've raised their issues with me, I've talked to them about it and having had all those conversations, I simply don't agree," she said.

"I am disappointed by the union's stance threatening to ban national testing this year."

Meanwhile, the headmaster of an elite private boy's school in Hobart has warned comparisons on the My School website are unreliable.

Scores for the Hutchins school range from average to significantly above average in all but one category when compared with all schools on the website.

But among a group of schools the website says are statistically similar, it is rated as below average in six of the 20 categories.

Principal Warwick Dean says he will raise the issue with the site's administrators.

"The Hutchins School is a kindergarten to year 12 boys school with a boarding house, and many schools that are in that basket of supposedly similar schools are actually girls' primary schools," he said.

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/29/2805299.htm?section=justin

January 26, 2010

Tomorrow is school....
its really sad that i have to wake up early in the morning to go to school ==

but its kinda good that its tomorrow, and now the first of februrary.
the week doesnt feel as long.
3日 > weekend > school
       5日      > school
ome people there told me to type in google Maps
Location A; Brisbane
Location B; California
According to google maps it takes 133 steps to get from Brisbane to California AND IT WILL TAKE... 54 days and 20 hours :L
It's the steps. 42, 105 & 199 that got me laughing to the extreme. xD




Yeah.. Coz it's COMPLETELY normal to Kyak across the Pacific ocean >_>

yeah.. it is.


After understanding the lyrics from 最後一次, it has a lot of meaning >.>
it helps to understand it >.>

January 25, 2010

Updates for the blog

The blog will now be in English because some fat fag complained about it being racist and 針對 him.
Will leech codes from sources ;)
Might try to change the look and feel of the webpage.
Will try to update the to-do list in the mouse hover area more frequently.

School is coming is coming up in two days :|
wish me good luck? :)

January 22, 2010

i'm baaccckkk.

well i see someone missed me..
Andric is off to Mt Tamborine til Saturday so I have noone to bother during daylight til he gets bak.... lucky whore D:
i feel loved >.>
First Day;
Got there after a
HOLY-SHIT-WHAT-A-DRIVE up a mountain.
Checked in
Went to Cedar Creek
Ate lunch
--upload pictures later--
Went and saw glow worms in some cement cave.
Got to the cottage thing
Slept for a bit
Woke up and had hotpot
hotpot had 龍蝦, 蝦, 海參, 羊牛豬肉片, etc

Woke up (iknowright :D)
Went to.....
Went to Gold Coast at 6:30pm
Headed home
The other car got lost
Had to go Mount Taborine > Wet'n'Wild
Got home at 9:00pm
Dinner at 10:00pm
Finished at 12:00am
Slept at 12:30am. (Y)

10:00am Check out
Went to O'Reilly in Lamington National Park
Fed birds
Bush walking

Fell asleep
Got home :L

Later Tonight
Going to have 牛肉七味 with a bunch of relatives.

January 18, 2010

went to the city with cassie.
today, ive found out i don't like a few things.
• P-plate drivers
--suddenly changed lanes into the one the bus was in, nearly crashed, we didnt make it across the traffic lights, he did.

• Thongs
--scrapped the skin of my toe where the Y-stick bit of the thong goes between your toes >.>
used 4 bandaids.. come to think of it, cassie has the rest of my packet.

• Bandaids
--they cost a lot for a piece of plastic. they dont even stick properly to skin, but they stick very well to thongs.


now, onto today's thing.

woke up at 9:30.
parents went to airport to 接 first wave of relatives. >.>

Valerie Wong accusing me of hacking after daniel said stuff.
vee . says:

&& continuously saying i love daniel more than her
vee . says:

i always love valerie wong morer than daniel pan. ;D
vee . says:

touched by an angel. ♥

cassie suddenly mentioned being bored.
went out to city // cultural centre.

OMG cultural centre is so funn.
went to the lengthy string room.
--cassie has pictures--

took some photos in the kiddie booth;

since there was no one there, we took like 7.

saw a guy at fun house
playing that token game..
got a win every 5 minutes >.>
spends $20 on tokens, ends up with $150 worth.

got home disabled,
had to vacuum dad's car. ==

wii'd for a bit.
rage-quitted. ;-;

getting ready for dinner.

January 17, 2010

January 16, 2010

電腦月省420 NT元電費小撇步!!----交大撇步得獎




將關閉監視器的時間設定成 5 分鐘,

接著將系統待命的時間設定成10 分鐘,

再將關閉硬碟的時間設定成15 分鐘,
最後再將系統休眠的時間設定成20 分鐘,即大功告成。


交大顯示科技所學生 陳柏廷等人推廣電腦省電,只需簡單設定就能達到良好效果,一舉打敗28組團隊,獲得「俠客CEO爭霸賽」第1名。

據統計,一台電腦徹夜沒關,一晚上所消耗的電力,足夠印表機印出一萬張的文件,這是個非常驚人的數字,其實每個人是可以為這世界做一點貢獻,希望發信提醒每個同仁隨手關燈, 上下班離開公司時請隨手關掉桌上電腦的電源,或是其他沒有使用的設備, 以節省能源與減少公司的開銷.如果每個人都節省一點,


January 14, 2010

誰是最得意 或 可愛呢?



January 05, 2010








去去去, 你要去哪裡?
Go go go, where you want to go?

I want sit airplane, go Beijing.

Beijing's Great Wall very good looking

I want sit airplane, go Beijing.

Go Beijing!


如果我問到各MP三, 我就upload比你地聽啦!