September 29, 2010

29 September 2010

88 hours left. (29 Sep 10 09:45 AM AET/AEDT)
56 hours left. (29 Sep 10 02:11 PM AET/AEDT)

Dream that we had a maths exam.. teacher game me the wrong exam paper..
“Miss, you gave me the wrong sheet, we’ve done this one already”
“LOL. Just do it. You’ll be fine.”
Yeah. That’s the attitude teachers at my school have :]

I don’t remember the last time I had frozen oranges..
msg-free pho >:]

September 28, 2010

28 September 2010

104 hour famine: no internet as of today

I managed to watch 27 episodes of D. Gray-man in one afternoon…
How scary would it be to see the Millennium Earl in real life?!

if you want to contact me, text me & i'll call you

September 24, 2010

More than a dream

Congratulations to Charlenee; very good performance & dance;
& fast makeup & costume change.. ;A;

Free entry, every night until Saturday. 7pm at the Kingston Butter Factory, where you won't find any butter :)
-receives call-
hi, oh i can't, i'm doing this musical thing. OH did she REALLY SAY THAT TO YOU?!

please. dont be so rude.
turn off your phone.

September 21, 2010

Did you know?

when the english settlers landed in australia
they noticed a strange animal that jumped high in the air
they asked the aboriginal people using body language and signs
they responded with "kan ghu ru"
the english then adopted this into the word 'kangaroo'
kan ghu ru actually means
"we dont understand you"

in ancient england, people could not have sex without the consent of the king
when people wanted to have a child
they had to solicit a permission to the monarchy
in turn they would supply a plaque to hang on their door
the plaque read
"Fornication Under Consent of the King"
thats were it came from

AH shit

i am bored at home, can't go out, and my internet usage is fcked over

Data: 59%

Days: 49%

1 day = 3% ==
therefore; i need to wait 3 days for the internet to go back to normal..

Plan for these holidays

Tuesday 21092010
Lunch at restaurant with nice chairs??
Wednesday 22092010
Go to Sheree's house..
Sims 3
Thursday 23092010
Bake a cake :D
Charlene's musical/concert/dance thing (加油!)
Friday 24092010

Saturday 25092010

Sunday 26092010

Monday 27092010
Half price Slurpee
Donkey Kong & Mahjong at Patricia's house
Tuesday 28092010

Wednesday 29092010

Thursday 30092010

Friday 01102010

September 20, 2010

Term 3 Assessment:

Science exam
Road Science (Physics)
Multiple Choice: A
Short Answer: A
Extension: C

Overall: A-/B+

Maths exam
Statistics, probability, algebra & trigonometry
Overall: A

Business & computer studies
Household budget & holiday planning
Budget: A
Holiday Planning: A
Overall: A

Ancient China (Traditional Instruments)
Oral: A-
Powerpoint: A-
Communication: A
Overall: A-

Job Portfolio:
Job Interview: A
Overall: A


Skills acquisition in European Handball:

Contemporary Foods
Pastries & batters
Practical: B-

Overall: B

Innovative Design
Mini Yearbook
Plan: B
Yearbook ladder: A
Yearbook (hard copy): A
Overall: A


and i have no fucking idea how to entertain myself for two weeks

September 13, 2010

Osmond & Cara-Lynn 12092010


The newly wed couple would like to thank the friends and relatives who came from afar, Sydney, Melbourne, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, USA, Canada

...and Sunnybank.

Wedding Reception:

Dinner Menu
  • House cured salmon, rocket and caper salad, beetroot jam, grissini & horseradish mayonnaise

  • Char grilled eye fillet, rosemary and sweet potato lasagna, caramelized onion jam & port wine jus
    Pan sealed chicken doubled smoked speck dijon mustard grape tomato cress salad

  • Wedding cake served with passion fruit swirl, vanilla cream, candied citrus & fresh garden mint

  • Freshly brewed Vittoria Fine Roasted Coffee and a selection of Twinings Teas
    Peppermint chocolates

Table Group


*more photos will be added*

Yes, my name is On Lu. :D

September 05, 2010

I love you

Since your days are all filled with crap, why not remind yourself everyday. (:

September 02, 2010

Hello moto DOMO :D

We interrupt this program to bring you the latest fashion: